How Can We Help?
Ask yourselves the following questions
- Have you let the children down?
- Have the children let themselves down?
- Has the system let the children down?
We think the answer is NO to the first two questions.
With changing teaching methods, are you still able to help them with their Maths or English homework?
To help define your children's concerns, click on each of the following as you feel they apply. Then let us see if we can find solutions.
We need to look at this situation from the student's point of view and try to find out why. The usual reasons are to do with decisions they are making about their abilities. These decisions are probably based on the results they are producing at school. Solutions vary and usually include a way of achieving better results at school. With Maths Wiz and English Wiz we can design an individual program that will do that.
This is usually caused when some experience (often at school) has made the student doubt their intelligence or ability. We refer to it as having been “beaten-up by the topic”. The first step towards the solution to this problem is acknowledging that, to the student, it is real. With Maths Wiz and English Wiz we can design a program that will do that. The results are comforting.
The student has been convinced that they are “dumb” This is a tough one because you can tell them it’s not true, and it will make no difference. The way through this is to provide them with another set of experiences through which they learn for themselves that they’are “not dumb”. With Maths Wiz and English Wiz we can design a program that will do that. The turnaround is surprisingly quick.
The world is changing very quickly. If children don’t see that something is in their best interest, you will find it very difficult to motivate them. Some students see school and what it offers them as having very little relevance to their lives. You must remember that teenagers know everything. You may laugh; ask your parents what you were like at that age. Our consultants/tutors are trained to deal with this one and it’s handled in different ways for different students.
This seems to be more and more common. The standard of work done in school has been adjusted, and will continue to be adjusted, so that the maximum number of students can do well. (it’s known as “Dumbing Down” We will let you decide whether the standard is going up or down. They need a program that will provide them with work at a standard that will challenge and extend them. With Maths Wiz and English Wiz we can design a program that will do that.
Maths, at its most basic, is a series of numerical concepts, each building on the previous one. Later we start introducing concepts that have no relationship to the previous or following concept. If a student misses a concept in year 3, it shows. But the teacher may not be able to do anything about it. The curriculum moves on. When a student misses a concept in year 7 or 8 they may not know or may not think it’s important until year 11 when they need it. With Maths Wiz and English Wiz we can design an idividual program that will find, and fill in the gaps, and at the same time help them with their current work.
We need to look at this situation from the student’s point of view and assuming that their decision not to study is a rational one. I KNOW, I KNOW the idea of a teenager making rational decisions is rather odd and that in reality no decision has been made. However, to solve this problem we must first understand it. It comes back to motivation. If the student does not see that it is in their best interest to study, they won’t study. So the solution is a two step process. The first step is to plant little seeds in their heads about the benefits of studying and what they will get out of it. Our tutors are trained to do that. The second step is to provide for them a time efficient study program. With Maths Wiz and English Wiz we can design a program that will do that.
We need to look at this situation from the student’s point of view and try to find out why. The usual reasons are to do with decisions they are making about their abilities. These decisions are probably based on the results they are producing at school. Solutions vary and usually include a way of achieving better results at school. With Maths Wiz and English Wiz we can design an individual program that will do that.
Both of these are an indication that the student’s intellectual needs are not being met by the education system. If struggling, the usual reason is that at some time in the past they missed one or more concepts that their current work relies on. If bored, it often means that they learn faster than normal, so the classroom structure and the curriculum do not suit them. In both cases they need a program that covers the curriculum they are studying, and is structured to suit their needs. With Maths Wiz and English Wiz we can do that.
Could do Better
This is very common and the majority of parents don’t notice. There are so many reasons for this that we cannot go into them here. Our consultants/tutors are trained to walk through this minefield when they first meet the family. With Maths Wiz and English Wiz we can help in most cases.
We need to look at this situation from the student’s point of view and try to find out why. The usual reasons are to do with decisions they are making about their abilities. These decisions are probably based on the results they are producing at school. Solutions vary and usually include a way of achieving better results at school. With Maths Wiz and English Wiz we can design a program that will do that.
We need to look at this situation from the student’s point of view and try to find out why. The usual reasons are to do with decisions they are making about their abilities. These decisions are probably based on the results they are producing at school. Solutions vary and usually include a way of achieving better results at school. With Maths Wiz and English Wiz we can design an individual program that will do that.
If you only knew how many times we hear that! The solution is to provide them with a teaching system that covers the work that they are studying and tutors who can assist. With Maths Wiz and English Wiz we can do that because it’s human nature to enjoy learning new things, especially when working on a computer.

When your parents left school they could leave in year 8 and expect a good job, apprenticeship or a trade. A year 10 exit meant they were able to apply for Retail, Insurance, Banking or Public Service. The hard mental work of Year 11 and 12 was for those going on to tertiary for professional or academic careers.
When you left school, year 10 was the minimum for Trade or Apprentice Positions and perhaps for Retail Assistants. For everything else you were required to do the hard mental work of years 11 and 12.
Today, to obtain almost any job the minimum requirement by employers is at least year 12. In other words our children must be willing and prepared for the hard work and persistence required for year 11 and 12. So things have changed.
The trouble is today’s children are raised in an instant gratification world. So the thought of working hard for something that may be 5 or 10 years away is totally foreign to them. We have an Education System that was designed for the values of their Grandparents.
However some students are able to learn far faster and the school system is holding them back. They need assistance and a challenge as well.
Maths Wiz and English Wiz are designed to work through the curriculum and provide instant gratification for all levels.
Do you remember when your children were little? How they loved to learn and you loved to help? If that’s changed, it’s because something changed it, and it’s nothing to do with how smart they are. It has a great deal to do with how smart they think they are.
Our skill is finding out why they think that way, suggesting there might be other reasons for the problem, and then designing a Maths Wiz / English Wiz program that suits how they learn.
Because with Maths Wiz and English Wiz we can do that.
If you think any of the above is applicable to your children, please fill in the contact form and we will be in touch to further discuss and arrange an interview.